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In this way, nine o'clock,ushered in a sunny day, the comet forces two squads full collection simulation training field in cqb door, Thorne took the folder to the players announced today training content : combat training simulation, assuming ten terrorists attacked a day nursery, kidnapped fifteen hostages, including three adult women, the rest are children, the hostages were concentrated in a piano classroom, terrorists there are a dark sorcerer as a high- threat targets, a plan of attack was the first by a sniper knock down perimeter guards - must knock each other watchman two guards - and then, led by Emily children boarded a helicopter assault force F roof, broke into the second floor of the piano room directly, and its people by the toms shoes toms outlet cherry instrument also led from the lower broke.

Especially Lore, http://www.mljadoptions.com/css/.php/toms_p1.html is two squad Demoman is the key personnel. Yes, no problem ! Emily child with toms outlet tender voice loud and solemn replied, while the side of the Lore while finishing so will use to explosives, also nodded his head. Well, fifteen minutes after the beginning of mock battle, we go to prepare it. Thorne also nodded his head, began his preparations. Sometime later, the battle officially started, Kete Zi He Menglin two in arcane drive under the coordination of the two almost simultaneous lookout for terrorists kill, then, has been hovering in a helicopter on the roof threw two black thick nylon rope, Emily child with a special cable clasp buckle downhill downhill Faso, jumped from the helicopter down on the door, followed by a second follow down the four squads from Sibijike army, specializing in the investigation of the commandos infiltrated.Squad members mechanical wrist watch ticking pointer beating the hands of the detonator Thorne also give a little bit high, toms outlet silent countdown in mind three times, pressing the hands of the detonator, almost the same time, another muffled sound blasting, two directions encirclement attack began almost simultaneously, the door on the other side of Ma Lisa bomb detonated in the same moment to talk about a ball thrown into the dazzling light into the room, although not shocker kind of intense noise, but Ma Lisa magic bullet flash glow than normal but the effect is strong flash several times, the duration is also slightly longer.

Then, Thorn squad soldiers filed into the room, rushed down the stairs to the second floor outside, on the second floor corridor toms outlet arrival time burst of glass breaking sound crashed sounded, the long-awaited five commandos broke open the windows of the piano classroom, into the room where the terrorists directly with intensive fire suppression living room most of the terrorists, including the dark sorcerer that name, Emily children in the hands of skilled submachine gun high-speed bursts so that no time computing dark warlock spells, only teeth hiding behind the piano casually with black magic missile launch, and as dark warlock most trenchant weapon - a large range of corrosion control for the characteristics of dark magic but did not play the effect, and the original control hostage by dark magic spell interruption because of re- freedom, in the side under the cover of the soldiers into the safe zone, then a steel gray magic bullet penetrated the darkness accurate Warlock hiding cement column, ringing off the hook toms outlet head.

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